At MINI A TURE we want to know and reduce our impact on the climate, and therefore we have decided to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with our activities. This report presents MINI A TURE’s GHG inventory for 2022 and 2023. Calculating our full GHG inventory is a comprehensive task, and for this reason we are gradually expanding the scope and detail of our GHG accounts. For 2022 we included scope 1, scope 2 and selected activities in scope 3. In 2023 we have included several more activities in scope 3. From 2024 we expect to cover all relevant activities in scope 3.

The GHG inventory was prepared based on the guidelines from the international accounting and reporting standard, GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. Read more about the GHG Protocol on page 4.

MINI A TURE’s GHG inventory and GHG report contributes to:

  • Discovering GHG emission hot spots in our value chain
  • Identifying possibilities to reduce our GHG emissions
  • Setting GHG targets and following our progress towards reaching them
  • Involving stakeholders in the reduction of our GHG emissions
  • Reporting transparently on progress and accounting methods
  • Improving the data quality and methods for reporting
Read our GHG Report here