MINI A TURE Handschuhe und Fäustlinge für Kinder. Atmungsaktiv, wind- und wasserdicht mit weiteren praktischen Details.

MINI A TURE offers a wide range of waterproof and breathable gloves and mittens, ensuring that children can keep their hands warm and dry. Available in different colors that perfectly match MINI A TURE's outerwear, the gloves and mittens are lined with Thinsulate™ insulation. The mittens feature Velcro straps that can be attached to the sleeves of MINI A TURE's jackets and snowsuits.


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MATCELIO Handschuhe Angebot€44,95
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MATWOLMER Fäustlinge aus Teddyfleece. GRSMATWOLMER Fäustlinge aus Teddyfleece. GRS
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Cesar glovesCesar gloves
Cesar gloves Angebot€64,95